First off, I did NOT sign up for this newsletter in order to make TBR pile get any bigger! Okay, fine I did, but I'm still blaming you for the fact that I now have to read The Last Flight!

Second, I just finished writing a newsletter about Texas's wildflowers!

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I really enjoyed The Last Flight and almost finished with The Lies We Tell and you're welcome for adding to your TBR.

Great minds think alike, I can't wait to read your newsletter about Texas wildflowers.

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Hi Gayla, we met on the Substack tour. Nice to get your newsletter. I lived in SoCal for about 10 years, plus Taiwan, I get the earthquakes; tornadoes, I'm not sure. Enjoy your entry to spring. I also noticed you read books from Net Galley, I just listed my new book there for a week or something. Not sure how it works, but a few people have downloaded it. Check it out if you have time. Regards!

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Hi Todd, yes I remember meeting you on the tour. I'm so sorry, but I'm unable to read your book right now. I'm up to my eyeballs in taxes (I work for a CPA firm) and during this time, my reading slows way down. Thanks for being here.

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This is terrific - I love how you help us get to know an author. I’ve not heard of Clark but her stories sound like they would keep me up late at night.

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I had not heard of her either until I kept seeing The Last Flight on social media. I enjoy going down the rabbit holes when I look for background info on the authors that I feature. I feel like I get to know them through writing about their books.

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Very nice and engaging description of the author Julie Clark. I think I will give The One's We Choose a try.

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Let me know what you think about it when you read it. :)

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I will. If I end up writing a review I will reference back to you.

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