I had no idea there were so many amazing book clubs out there! I'm with you; I probably won't join any of them, but I'll look around at their choices to see what I've been missing. Thanks so much.

Not to start a war here, but I just 'finished' my first Sue Grafton novel and I was thunderstruck by how much unnecessary filler there was. She describes every little detail down to the paint color under the paint color under the paint color. It could have been an interesting story but after reading what seems like note-taking descriptions of every room she ever entered, and the clothing of everyone she ever encountered--down to the underwear, I swear--I skipped to the end to see whodunnit.

She's so popular, I figured I should see what all the fuss was about. Now I'm wondering if they're all like that, from A to Z, but I don't want to have to read any more to find out. Got any insight? What am I missing?

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Ramona, I have never read any of Sue Grafton's novels so I can't help you out with your question. However, I understand what you are saying. Descriptions to give you the sense of place, set the scene, tell you about the characters is fine and needed, but when it goes on and on like you describe, that book definitely needed a better editor. Her books were traditionally published so it sounds like the publishing houses were pleased with her books since there are 25 of them. I don't read a lot of the formulaic mysteries, I tend to read suspense and thrillers if I venture out of the historical and literary genres and suspense/thrillers don't seem to have that same repetition.

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I apologize for hijacking your fine post here with a comment having nothing to do with your topic. I don't normally read popular mysteries, but she seems to have such a hold on that market I thought I'd give it a try.

I'm going to spend some time looking at these book clubs for books that will better speak to me!

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No problem, I'm game for any type of book conversation. I love talking books with other readers.

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I think you’re wise to cut back a bit during your busiest season!

I like Jenna’s picks and it’s where I discovered Girl With the Louding Voice. I haven’t had the best of luck with Reece’s picks though so I stopped trying. Oprah has some good ones! I’m sure all their stickers are responsible for a lot of book sales and that’s a good thing!

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I'm definitely feeling less pressure by cutting back. I'm glad the stickers help the authors book sales, most authors wait a lifetime to get that kind of publicity. :)

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Netflix book club sounds right up my alley. Also sounds like there’s a space for men led or men-centric book clubs.

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There is definitely a space for men led/men centric book clubs. During my research I found a couple, unfortunately they are no longer active. But they didn't focus on the books that I think that men like to read. I know I'm generalizing as there are probably plenty of men that like reading the same books that women do, but overall, I do think men's taste differ. The men I know like to read spy, military, outer space stuff, fantasy, and other types of books, and there isn't anything like the women led celebrity book clubs for men that focus on men. I enjoyed the Passing discussion (Netflix book club) and I ran out of time the other day to eat the video on the second book, but I will get to it soon.

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This was another great newsletter, Gayla. I’ll be following the lists of books that come out of these book clubs. See you next week and please don’t worry about whether you can do one or two or more newsletters a week. I don’t know how you do all you do but what you do send out always has something I didn’t know and am glad to know.

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Thanks for the words of encouragement Betsy. I'm so happy that you find something useful from these newsletters.

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Wow, I had no idea that the celebrity book clubs were so interessting. This is great. Now we just need to find out if there's a celebrity Jane Austen Book Club! Perhaps hosted by Emma Thompson (or insert favorite here!)

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There already is a Jane Austen Book Club hosted by a celebrity, YOU!

Your knowledge is vast, you never run out of topics to write about related to her and her books. That's amazing considering she only wrote 6 books. You make her books sound interesting; interesting enough that I want to attempt to read them in the future. Have you thought about hosting a "read-along" or "buddy-read" in your newsletter for her books?

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Gayla Gray

Thank you for this! I look forward to delving deeper into the book clubs mentioned and finding even more books to add to my TBR list.

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I'm so glad as you will definitely find more books to add to your TBR. And finding another community of readers is just the best. :)

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Bless you, Gayla! Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you find the conversations interesting even without being immersed in the books, that is definitely my goal! And love your idea of a read-along. That is going on my Futures list!

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Dear Gayla! Wow, this is simply great, you take the hard work out of choosing a great reading club, and I really did not know clubs existed, thank you, and can not wait to meet us all again in our Substack group. Jx

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Thanks Jeanne and thanks for reading. We missed you on Friday, looking forward to seeing you next Friday.

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