Really interesting issue! I use only Goodreads. Thank's for the whole list of tools. I have to rethink my reading goals.

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Let me know if you decide to try something new and how it works out for you. :)

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Hi Gayla, new reader here. I don’t think I could live without the “your year” feature on goodreads where it shows you the covers and tells you how many pages. That’s like catnip for me.

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Hi Kyle, thanks for reading. I just took a peek at my "your year"; I hope to add a few more books to it before the end of the year. I'm a numbers person, so I love stats. I'm excited to start using Storygraph next yet and I'm going to try to use Sarah's Bookshelves reading tracker as her spreadsheet provides awesome stats. I'm working on catching up on your backlist newsletters. I am really enjoying them.

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