"I wish I could say I ran out of time, but that wasn’t the reason; I just didn’t feel like writing, so I didn’t." Perfect!!

You ask if we like “celebrity book club” stickers. No. In fact, sometimes I won't buy the book if it has a sticker on it, mostly because I don't choose my books based on celebrities. I also really dislike book jackets that show a picture of an actor who was in the movie about that book. There are books and there are movies, two different things, two very different experiences. And don't get me started on blurbs!

I'm currently reading two very good books: The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo, and The Vulnerables by Sigrid Nunez. Thanks for your Friday links, Gayla, and happy reading!

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Did you meet any interesting authors or hear anyone good speak at the Savannah literary festival?? Also,,,what books did you come home with?

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My husband and I are finally celebrating my new job and me hitting 300+ Substack subscribers and a couple good things for him by dressing up and going to a fancy dinner. I can't wait :)

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Ahhh!!! National fairy tale day! I love that! And the typewriter orchestra! How wonderful! Thanks for sharing these treasures. Glad you had a great trip. 😌

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Happy you had a good trip. Will all good intentions the best laid plans of mice and men... I'm nursing a pinched nerve in my neck so all traveling is at a standstill until fully healed... gives me plenty of time to read!

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Thanks for the NYT article—I’ve watched QVC exactly once, when my mom and her cookbook were featured years ago and now I’m intrigued enough to give “In the Kitchen with David” a shot.

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I used to watch HSN obsessively at times. There was one host, Colleen Lopez, who I especially liked. She showcased jewelry which I thought was awful but somehow I always ended up watching anyway. Luckily I haven't succumbed in ages.

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Always a great read.

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"a cacophony of clicks and clacks" - that Boston typewriter orchestra link was a fun one!

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wowwww stickers to cover up a book club plug is a genius concept. thx for bringing to our attention!

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