Gayla, you continue to amaze me with the range of news and sites you bring our way. I will be busy all weekend (at odd hours) checking some of your suggestions out. She Reads particularly fascinates me. THANK YOU!!
Re: reading goals…I vary with them every year. Sometimes they stress me out and I resent them, sometimes they motivate me. I have gotten pretty good at taking my own temperature and being like “Look, Susan, you are in charge and reading is a dang pleasure and privilege not a race, but also let’s frigging go if you want!”
This year I’m setting a high one because my real goal is to walk more and I know I won’t be able to hit this high reading goal without lots of audiobook time. So it’s sneaky. But it’s my rules, just for me, not to prove anything to anyone else. That’s important.
I've always set reading goals, but they've never stressed me out. I usually don't complete them, but, oh well. I'll try again the next year. lol Thanks for reading!
We clicked - and subscribed - to Kellie's newsletter. Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading!
There's a great example of Googie architecture in Tacoma, WA, that I once wrote about. Love it!
I love that kind of architecture. I never knew it had a name much less that name.
Gayla, you continue to amaze me with the range of news and sites you bring our way. I will be busy all weekend (at odd hours) checking some of your suggestions out. She Reads particularly fascinates me. THANK YOU!!
I love She Reads. There is so much good information there to keep you busy for quite a while.
Happy New Year! Great to read you back.
Happy New Year to you, too. I hope you've been well.
I used to read a ton of YA and have fallen off in recent years, so I just subscribed to Kellie's substack. Thank you for the recommendation!
I've found so many good books to read from her recommendations. Thanks for reading!
Happy New Year and thank you for mentioning my Substack!!!!
Happy to share!
Re: reading goals…I vary with them every year. Sometimes they stress me out and I resent them, sometimes they motivate me. I have gotten pretty good at taking my own temperature and being like “Look, Susan, you are in charge and reading is a dang pleasure and privilege not a race, but also let’s frigging go if you want!”
This year I’m setting a high one because my real goal is to walk more and I know I won’t be able to hit this high reading goal without lots of audiobook time. So it’s sneaky. But it’s my rules, just for me, not to prove anything to anyone else. That’s important.
I've always set reading goals, but they've never stressed me out. I usually don't complete them, but, oh well. I'll try again the next year. lol Thanks for reading!
Happy new year!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Thanks for the link to She Reads. That's a new to me site. Always love Electric Literature, too. My word for 2025 is Back to Basics. No shiny objects!
She Reads has some of the best bookish content. Love your word(s). Shiny new book covers are my downfall related to "shiny objects." lol
I hear you! I'm a sucker for a good cover.
That esquire article was a good read, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading!
LOVE THIS page!! I would be so grateful if you took a glimpse of Staying Alive -- just released today!! 🙏
I grew up in Southern California, and even in the 80s there were plenty of Googie representation in the Anaheim/Disneyland area. I love it.
A curse on developers who tear that awesomeness down to put up a chain!
A curse--I agree.
I think the idea of a personal "word of the year" is great. What would yours be, Gayla?
I've always loved Googie architecture and in LA we have a lot of it. Thanks for all the great links, Gayla.
Thanks for reading, Hillary!