Thanks for the recommendations, all of which sound like worthy listening. I'm a big fan of The Book Review podcast from the New York Times. Often there's a good interview or two, plus book news. At the end, NYT reviewers discuss what they're reading, and sometimes I find there's something they mention that appeals to me.

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I'll have to check that one out as I don't think I've listened to it before. Thanks for reading.

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There is so much value in each of your newsletters! I rarely listen to podcasts but it's good to know where to look when i am ready

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Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate you :)

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I have been enjoying your Newsletter and intend to pass it on to the members of my bookclub tonight. It should be a HIGH ATTENDANCE night as we are announcing the books to read for next year! Thanks for the previews

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Oh, that sounds like fun, choosing next years books. Thanks for reading and for passing it on to your book club friends. Also, I know I still owe you information about historical fiction, I haven't forgotten, my plan it to respond this weekend.

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NP this is a VERY busy time of year. I may share our selection list in one of my posts soon.

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Please do write about it as I'd love to hear what your books are for next year.

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I will. The voting is closed today so I will have the list soon. It will be an easy post. Our next book (our last for 2021) is Caste.

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Well of course **coughs modestly** there’s our own podcast, Two Chairs Talking, in which Perry Middlemiss and myself, two ex-chairmen of the World Science Fiction Convention, talk about books in a variety of genres. Every so often, as in the last episode, we do a feature called “The Hugo Time Machine” where we go back in time and look at the nominees for the Hugo Award in a particular year. We’ve reached 1967, when Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” won over some arguably better novels.

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I didn't know you had a podcast but I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

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I often listen to From the Front Porch (I skip their casting call episodes) and Currently Reading and, of course, WSIRN

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I listen to a few of From the Front Porch. The same for Currently Reading. I listen to all of WSIRN. I loved One Great Book because that was so short.

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One Great Book is good when it’s available!

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