Thanks for The Substacker recommendation ... loved that. Stay cool.

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You're welcome!

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Thank you so much Gayla for the great recommendation. Patti and I were surprised and thankful for this. You made our day and year.

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Happy to recommend! I love both of your newsletters.

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Thank you. I was talking to Patti the other day how I just can’t seem to get growth going. Then I think about the devoted readers I do have. It’s good to have a small group sometimes to keep it real. At least I’m getting to the eyes subscribed.

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Growing your newsletter is hard work. I've been where you are and you just have to keep "doing." Connections with other newsletter creators that write either in your niche or similar to you has been the key for my newsletter's growth.

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Thank you. That’s what I do.

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I’m thinking of starting a podcast for California Mishegoss to keep readers up to date with things I don’t post. Still on the fence. May try a few episodes to see what happens.

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You won't know until you try. :)

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Gayla, I owe you another shout out next week due to tha fact that I didn’t post a link to your newsletter except in the sotry you posted about me. I had it highlighted and forgot to add it. I am truly sorry.

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No problem and thanks for the shoutout!

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No matter how much I already read, write, or think about books, I can always use more. Thanks for sharing :)

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Happy to help! :)

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Thank you so much for the shout-out! I’m such a fan of your newsletter, so I’m especially honored that you’re enjoying True Crime Fiction. Here’s to consuming and discussing and enjoying more bookish and bookish-adjacent good things!

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Happy to share your newsletter!!

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Gayla I grew up in Texas, and used to describe August days as wading through a hot blanket outside. I'm in New England now, but it's getting terribly hot here too, sadly (though nothing like much of the south a;nd west are going through. Hope your move is to a place you love! Thanks for more book news!

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I've only been to New England once, 40 years ago, and we chose the hottest 2 weeks to go and I was miserable. No one had a/c and there was just no relief. I can't wait to travel there once I retire, but I'm going to make sure not to do it in the summer. :)

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Excellent recommendations, Gayla! Thankful to find more great bookish and other newsletters!

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Thanks for reading Ruth!

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I love socal’s usually balmy summer evenings!

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I'd give most anything for one of those right now. :)

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What a great round-up Gayla. Thanks so much. I love being part of this bookish community.

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Thanks for reading Marg! This is a wonderful community to be a part of.

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Wow, thanks for mentioning me and the Book House Blog! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the recommendations and that you consider me your “book twin!”

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You're welcome Jodi!

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What a great roundup of recs! Some are new to me, so thanks for sharing ◡̈

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Thanks for reading Michelle!

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Thanks...I think? I have so many Substacks I follow already! But of course I'm always in the market for more. Great collection here.

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I understand! I subscribe to way to many newsletters, but I just can't help myself when it comes to "bookish" newsletters.

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This is such an awesome list! Thank you!! I wanted to add my book recommendation podcast, Books Are My People and my weekly book recommendations newsletter: https://www.jennifercaloyeras.com/podcast

Happy to be following your Substack! Jennifer

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Thanks Jennifer! I started listening to your podcast about a year ago.

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Oh awesome! Let me know if you ever want to submit a guest book recommendation to air on the show. I love having bookish people offer up their book recommendations. :)

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Thanks. I'm retiring in 2 weeks and I'm in the middle of a move right now. Maybe at some point in the future when I get settled in I could do this. :)

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Congrats on your retirement! And best of luck with the move.

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I just wanted to thank you once more for according to my September Substack report you were one of the largest readers who referred us to readers first. We’re so thankful.

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Happy to help!

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I'm always looking for new bookish newsletters. The Substacker rec sounds so cool. Will definitely check these out, thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for reading!

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