So nice to see SoNovelicious in my inbox, Gayla. Have a safe and wonderful trip!

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Thanks, Sarah.

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Interesting about Kelly Ripa. I never would have guessed. And, yes, way past time for Amazon to act!

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I agree about Amazon. It was really stupid that they didn't do it sooner. They had the capability to determine how far the reader got in the book since forever.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Gayla Gray

Items found by librarians - Interesting and fun read. I actually found a drivers license in a book I had checked out at the library and it was for "Elvis Presley". It was obviously a fake gift type item. I showed it to a librarian when I returned the book and he took it, advising me that he saves things found in books. After reading your article I looked on the library's web site and sadly did not see anything like that. Kind of fun to see things like that. Thanks for sharing that!

Enjoy your well-deserved vacation.

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I know, wasn't that just the best story. I never occurred to me that people leave things in library books. lol. I'm excited to see my family and do some sightseeing, thanks for the good wishes.

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Thanks for the Live Wire recommendation - I'll check it out. You felt that Kelly was honest and forthcoming? The Librarian article is a treasure!

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My impression of Kelly is that she is a "what you see is what you get" kind of person; so yes, I felt that she was being honest. The short stories were interesting, refreshing and most were just plain fun.

I don't begrudge people their successes and both have had great successes with their careers. And it seems like both have worked really hard to achieve what they have. Neither came from rich families, they worked for the things they have. They both just happened to choose careers where they could earn a lot of money.

But throughout the stories, she has the same problems that many working women have. She just had the money to help her solve those problems, where most working women don't. For this, some may not want to give either of them kudos for their successes. Live Wire is not for everyone, but if a reader is a fan of hers, I think they'll enjoy learning more about her and her family and their life together.

Yes, the librarian article is a treasure. Librarians, both school and public, are under so much pressure now and I don't envy them nor do I wish I had their jobs. I can't image having to deal with people, sometimes irrational people, over something that never used to be an issue. When I read articles like this one, I just love it.

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Gayla, thanks for the additional comments about the memoir, Live Wire, you have inspired me to give it a shot. Regarding the library article, I agree with you that it is sad that so many libraries are having financial difficulties. They hold our history.. literally… and communities depend on them for so much more than borrowing books… they are gathering places, places of research, places of needed solace, place of job search… they should be a priority!

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I'd love to know what you think about Live Wire when you read it. I'm beginning to make a list of things I want to do once I retire and volunteering at my local library is something that I'm going to check out. I agree, they provide so much for their community, and I want to learn more about my local library.

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Fabulous idea

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