Oh no! I have a few friends who've come down with Covid..I had it about two years ago and it was awful, even with the vax.

your trip looks divine! Can't wait to hear more about it.

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Thanks for the good wishes and thanks for reading!

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Waving at you from up north as you arrive in our corner of the country, Gayla! Trusting you’ll feel well fast—& can make the trip. 🧡

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Thanks, Cheryl. After feeling better yesterday, I feel like I've gone backwards. I'm exhausted and I haven't done anything. Looking forward to taking a nap and maybe I'll feel better when I wake up.

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Boo to that fatigue! 🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 19Liked by Gayla Gray

Feel better, and good luck! If you’re on Paxlovid, don’t worry, that metallic taste will go away a soon as you’re done taking them! (And it’s worth it!). I had it April 2022, Sept 2023 (took paxlovid this time). 2nd one was mild and quick, and hope your is too, once the meds take effect. Bon Voyage!

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Yes, I'm on Paxlovid and happy to hear that the horrible taste does go away. Thanks for reading!

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This trip looks incredible oh my goodness have a blast. 💥 I recently got Covid in June for the first time ever, too. I hope you recover quickly!!

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Thanks for reading, Kristen!

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Sure hope you feel better soon and the vacation looks great. I'm madly knocking on wood, because I've also escaped Covid for the last four years.

Can't wait to hear about the trip!

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Thanks for the good wishes, Charlotte. And keep escaping Covid cause even with the Paxlovid, it's not fun. I feel like crap and today feels like I've gone backwards from yesterday, instead of feeling better.

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I'm so sorry to hear that! Fingers crossed you can make the trip.

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Get well soon! 🙏

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Thanks, Gina!

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Jul 19Liked by Gayla Gray

Oh Gayla, get better soon!!! 🥰 Enjoy the trip!

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Thank you, Ani!

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Jul 19Liked by Gayla Gray

I've taken that cruise and been to all the places mentioned - they are all so lovely! Glad you could enjoy them despte that darn covid...

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Thanks for reading, Nancy!

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Jul 19Liked by Gayla Gray

Feel better! I had Covid back in late September. We were planning on a trip to New Hampshire, but cancelled because things had cancellation deadlines and I did not know how I would feel when we had to leave. I did not have a bad case, but was achy and had no energy for awhile. I hope you recover and can enjoy your trip.

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Thanks, Robin. I'm hoping by Monday I'll be feeling much better.

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Jul 19Liked by Gayla Gray

I’ve done that cruise….so fun! Hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks, Carol!

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Hope you are feeling better soon!! Covid is no fun.

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Thank, Jan!

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Oh dear, feel better! Your trip looks amazing.

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Thanks, Mary!

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This trip looks beautiful! Feel better…can’t believe you hadn’t gotten it yet but hopefully you’ll be back on the mend soon enough to enjoy all of this gorgeous travel! Sending healing vibes your way!

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Thanks, Amy! I can't believe I made it over 4 years without ever getting Covid--why did it have to happen now. lol

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What timing!!!

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Hope you feel better quickly!!

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Thanks, Sharon!

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I am sending healthy thoughts! Feel better!

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Thanks, Stephanie! I appreciate it.

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Hope you’re back on your feet soon and managed to catch a nap today.

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I took a nap today and I am feeling better, so hopefully, it's only UP from here. Thanks, Christine!

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