Hi Gayla,

Todays comment starts with a confession. 60+ guy with no insights about Jane Austen. That tells me how great your writing and interviewing have become! I found this interesting and may have to watch Alicia Silverstone in Clueless again as I remember it as pretty good. We will see whether that brings me into the world you describe in this Newsletter today. Thanks! Will still catch up on lost reading one of these days.

Side note -- I see you are in Frisco TX. Two of my children are alumni of the town that takes over Frisco one weekend per year. Fargo ND comes to Frisco most every year. I hope they are gracious guests in your town.

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Awe, thank you for the kind comments Mark. But Plain Jane did all the work, isn't she fantastic. You can hear the passion in her answers for all things Austen. I enjoyed getting to know her better and to learn more about why it is that I enjoy her newsletter so much having never read any of the Austen novels. It makes me want to read Austen and that is saying a lot.

Yes, I live in Frisco, I moved here 12 years ago to be close to my daughter and grandkids. I'm assuming Fargo ND comes to Frisco for something sports related. I pay absolutely NO attention to anything related to sports, but I do pay attention to the local news and I can't ever remember hearing about any groups from Fargo misbehaving, so I think the alumni are good on that front. lol

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That is a relief (the behavior) as my children have been amongst the visitors. I am looking to see if Clueless is on a streaming service...

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Thank you so much, Gayla! It was a huge pleasure to do this interview with you - and your questions really got me thinking about the What and the Why behind the Austen Connection!

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It was my pleasure, Plain Jane, I enjoyed it a lot. I listened to many of your podcast episodes and re-read many of your newsletters in preparation for creating the questions. I'm glad you took something away from it too. :)

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Lovely! I do not know much about Jane, however, really enjoyed this. Jane's brother is buried in our local Victorian Cemetery, and I am working on a documentary on this wonderful space at the moment.

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What a small world it really is, isn't it? Like you, I don't know much about Jane Austen either but I have read a few of the retellings and I really have enjoyed them. Probably because they are set in current time instead of 200+ years ago. If I never read an Austen novel, I'll be fine, but I will definitely continue thread the retellings.

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I just saw this after following the link over from The Austen Connection. Great interview, Gayla (and Plain Jane).

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