Hi Liza! The Goldfinch is my favorite book, too. So transportive and mesmerizing. I was just in Vienna, (it’s even my latest post!) loved your city.

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Ah that’s so cool! I also love a grüner veltliner ;) and I live near the birdyard! Hope you had a good time in Vienna ☺️

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SO COOL! love that you live near there. wish i got to explore your neighborhood more (and in the daytime!)

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Gayla Gray

Hi Liza ... i was lucky to become a bookhead early in life and the library was my favorite place. Although I have not been able to remember the title or find the books, I still remember the color of the covers of my first mystery series that the school librarian recommended (purple is still my favorite color today). That was quickly followed by Nancy Drew and later Harlequin I still have the very first novel I read in 1972 when my parents opened a bookstore. Today I have 15 books of my own and have helped over 100 authors achieve their publishing dreams. Avid reader and book lover too, Author Liz Lawless

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Wow, what an inspiring and impressive story! It's great that you discovered your love for books and reading so early in life - it's such a blessing. Thanks for sharing your story <3

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Hi, Liza! It's interesting that, when we're forced to do something (like a summer reading list), we hate it. But when we're left the freedom to discover it on our own, we can fall in love with it - like you did with reading. Your idea of a perfect Sunday sounds GLORIOUS, and I imagine your pup is right next to you. (Mine's always next to me when I read!) A book that had a MAJOR impact on me was Just As Long As We're Together, by Judy Blume. I really related to the main character navigating childhood friendships when I read it at age nine. It was the first book I read twice - I even wrote Judy Blume a fan letter! - and I still have it. This was so much fun to read, and made me think about my own journey with reading, so thanks for the reminder of how transformative books can be! 💚📚

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Hey Amy! Yes, you're totally right - my pup is always next to me when I read (although as an attention seeker, he doesn't like that my attention is on the book and not on him hehe). Thanks for sharing the book that had such an impact on you! I haven't read it and just saved it to be to-read list. Looking back and reflecting can often be an interesting exercise indeed! :)

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Thank you so much for sharing your story, Liza! This gives me hope for my learning reader who doesn't show much interest in books.

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Thanks for reading it! Yes, definitely - it can still come in due time :)

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As someone who *did* curl up with books very young as my favorite hobby, I always love to hear from people who found their way to reading later in life (like, relatively!) just because it's such a different journey! And then isn't it wild how much it changed your life?!

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It is wild indeed! If you told a 15 year-old me that I would love books, I wouldn't believe you :D

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Strangely I feel the same exact way about cleaning - forced to do it, somebody axe me. Give me a dirty house on a Saturday morning with a good audiobook? I'm THERE! 😀

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Gayla Gray

Hahaha maybe the key to loving it is the audiobook to keep you company? :-)

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you know you may be on to something lol

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I love everything about this Liza and Gayla!

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Thanks for reading, Kate!

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Thank you so much for reading <3

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Really enjoyable to hear from one who discovered reading later in life. I was the opposite, disappearing into a book from the moment I could read and preferring the fantasies I found there to my real life. I’m still a bit like that, liking nothing better than to be absorbed in a book, though often they’re audio versions that entertain me as I do mundane tasks. So very glad you discovered a passion for them—and you’re still very young, I think, so you have a lifetime of reading pleasure ahead of you, lucky you! 📚

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Thank you! I’m very glad I discovered this love for reading - gotta use as much time as possible to discover all the great books out there 🤓😁

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