I have also taken reading way beyond a hobby and into the realm of absolutely integral, nonnegotiable, fundamental (and yes, completely obsessive) part of my life. One of my enduring pleasures is knowing I'm not alone and there are other people other there like me 😂

This was a great post -- I never get tired of information like this -- and thank you, always, Gayla, for the shoutout!

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I love knowing that you're with me in the completely obsessive category, Sarah!

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Happy to shout out Can we read? I enjoyed learning more about how Katy finds all her books.

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It makes me happy to know people who read over 200 books a year because I read about 100 a year!

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We're all so so different in our reading speed and amount of time we have, Juliana :-) Some people can listen to audiobooks at 3x and get through way more of them than I do, but my brain simply can't process that quickly! ANY reading we do is amazing!

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I don't currently read as much as I want to, but I have high hopes for my future reading habits. I'd be happy to get to 100 books. lol

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I find I can get to 100 but I have to work at it. This year I actually didn't set a goal because I wanted to concentrate on some bigger books and not feel the pressure (which I put on myself).

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Ah yes, the book dress! During my first school library job I spent a lot of time sourcing book clothes so I would have something book-themed to wear on every open house and parent night ~ this is one of my very favorites!! I honestly can't remember where I ordered it from and definitely had to make a few tweaks to make it fit right, but it's a treasured piece of my wardrobe for sure.

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Love the story about the dress; it is so cute and you look adorable wearing it. Thanks again for guest writing and sharing about your reading habits and the dress.

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I get titles by browsing the library. There's enough there to usually keep me entertained. Sometimes a podcast will recommend a book, or at least interview the author.

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I get so many recommendations from podcasts and other newsletters that read. More recommendations than I'll ever have time to read. Yes, libraries are great resources. I'd be broke if it wasn't for the library.

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Such a joy to read. Thank you!

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Thanks Susan, and thanks for reading!

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I'm so happy you enjoyed this, Susan!

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Very cool read! Love the dress as well. Wow! Reading over 100 books per year is definitely a dream I hope for one day. I too love the Goodreads recommendations. Happy Reading!

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Thanks Sarah!

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Thanks for sharing this engaging look inside the life of a dedicated book reader, Katy and Gayla. The book dress is just delightful! 📕 👗

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Thanks for reading Ruth, and yes, the dress is amazing.

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I'm so happy you enjoyed this, Ruth! I'm always on the hunt for more bookish clothing :-)

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Oh yes I totally find this. I don’t read as many (averaging 60 books) but I also actively watch a lot of tv series with my husband. But compared to colleagues who read a handful a year if that, they’re usually amazed. It took me a while to open up to them and admit I also have a bookish podcast (Better Words) that dictates a lot of what a read and when. I always find the “do you have a recommendation?” Question funny though because it’s *such* a personal pursuit! Often I’ll ask what moves/tv they like and suggest some bigger titles based on that. Loved reading about your bookish obsession!

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I haven't heard of your podcast before, I just subscribed. I'm always looking for new bookish podcasts. :) I would be able to read more if I didn't watch as much TV as I do. Between work and TV, reading and TV tie for 2nd, but soon work will be out of the way forever. Look out reading world, here I come. Your newsletter is always one of the ones I look forward to reading when I see it in my inbox.

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Thank you Gayla! And I hope you enjoy the podcast - we have new episodes releasing at the moment and there’s some wonderful conversations coming up! I used to feel a bit guilty that TV wasn’t a “worthy” thing to enjoy but I have come to realise that I am simply obsessed with storytelling in all its forms - which is why I love good TV and podcasts just as much as reading. Plus TV I can share with my husband (a non reader!)

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Anything any of us wants to do for pleasure, rest and relaxation is "worthy." No justification needed at all. I just wish there were more hours in a day to read, listen and watch everything we would like to!

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I look forward to finding your podcast ~ thanks so much for the kind words, Michelle!

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Thanks Katy O (and Gayla) for sharing your passion with us! I’ll be checking out Eidelweiss- never heard of that!

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Thanks for reading Kyle. I've used both Edelweiss and NG and I prefer NG. I think one of the draws of Edelweiss is that you can get print galleys as well as e-books and I'd rather have ebooks anyway.

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You're so welcome, Kyle! Both NetGalley and Edelweiss are resources to get digital advance copies of books ~ they get sent directly to your Kindle. Approvals are dependent on your role in the book world and where you share about your reading. Please let me know if you ever have questions about them!

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I'm honored that you include me as one of your book sources! I learn of some from you! It's also completely obsessive for me, and tbh, I love it. I do many of the same things too and love seeing that I'm not alone in my daily PW reading and BookPage checking! And I always pick up a monthly Indie Next catalog because what if I miss something?

One of my favorites perhaps is just strolling through the bookstore and seeing if there's anything I haven't seen before, which I can really only do in my indie, which stocks a TON of books, and for that I am so grateful!

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I love the newsletter series idea of "taking a peek into other people's reading lives"!

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Thanks for reading! I hope to have more "peeks" soon.

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As a future librarian and archivist, I loved learning about Katy and her newsletter! I think of all the books I happen upon and read as assignments on my syllabus for life.

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Wow! "A syllabus for life." A thought I've never had, but it is so true. I love Katy's newsletter, I always learn something from it. I smile when I see it in my inbox as I know I've got something to look forward to reading.

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