I never heard of a reading retreat, but it does sound heavenly! I find it hard to focus these days, so I often listen to books downloaded from the library. It’s a godsend! Thanks as usual for your inspiration to keep reading, suggested books and helpful links, Gayla.

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I agree with you, it sounds heavenly. I'm still learning how to listen to audiobooks. My mind tends to wander and that doesn't work with an audiobook. I'm glad you've found a way to still read when you are having a difficult time focusing. :)

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Every summer over the 4th of July my mom, my grandma, my daughters and I escape to the time share in Door County, Wisconsin that my parents have owned for 40 years (and managed to keep together even after divorcing 15 years ago). Not only is it special to me because I get to share this place where I've vacationed every year of my life with my children, who now get to do the same, but I get to spend a whole week with my grandma (who is turning 101 on Thursday). It's not always restful -- two little kids, one super elderly person whose needs are very much like those of little kids make for a lot of hands-on caretaking -- but it's absolutely worth it (and I always get a ton of reading done, somehow).

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That sounds like fun, even with the challenges. That is neat about being able to give your kids what you had growing up. Precious memories.

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I just realized that my retirement life is really an endless reading retreat! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing break from tax prep!

We had a big family reunion planned in the summer of 2020 which is still on hold.

My go to audio rec for road trips these days is Project Hail Mary….soooo good!

Thanks for all your great ideas!

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Carol, I'm counting on my retirement life being "an endless reading retreat" like yours is. It sounds like so much fun. I hope you can do the family reunion soon. My family used to do an "every other year" reunion when more of that side of the family was still alive and I really used to enjoy going. I miss going, but the cousins aren't interested in keeping up the tradition that our parents started. :(

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I just found a reading retreat near me (two weeks too late for this year 😭) but am definitely looking into it because it sounds exactly like what I need right now! I took a solo camping/beach trip in late summer 2020 and had an absolute blast and read more than I did that whole year. So looking forward to something similar again!

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Oh, that sounds like fun but I'm sorry you just missed it. Maybe next year you can attend. I love solo trips of any kind; doing what you want, when you want, if you want. My kind of fun if you ask me.

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This is the first time I've ever heard of a reading retreat. I love this idea. I miss the days when I could sink into a book for as long as I want without worrying about anything else.

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Yes, sinking into a book for as long as you want to is definitely a readers dream. I'm in the early stages of planning my May retreat, but I think the planning is half the fun.

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