The Walk it Off newsletter looks great! Thanks for sharing these. I am really enjoying newsletters lately, more than scrolling social media.

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I'm glad that you found one that interests you. I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting newsletters, like I need to subscribe to more newsletters. :)

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Thank you for all the recs! I checked them out and followed a few. <3

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I'm glad you followed a few of them. I subscribe to way too many newsletters, but I just can't help myself. :)

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It's so easy to do. In most areas of my life I amass a far greater list of wants than I'll ever actually be able to enjoy.

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I love how you said that. I feel that way about books. I could live forever and never get through all the books that I've stockpiled over the years. At least, I'll never run out of something to read.

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Thanks for the share Gayla!

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